13 Flowering Shrubs That Make Beautiful Privacy Hedges

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13 Flowering Shrubs That Make Beautiful Privacy Hedges: Are you seeking for a flowering plant that provides privacy and may also be used as a hedge? You have a wide variety of options available to you whenever it comes to plants! In this article, gardening expert Liessa. Bowen takes a more in-depth look at some of her favourite blooming shrubs that may be used to create stunning privacy hedges in your garden or yard space.



13 Flowering Shrubs That Make Beautiful Privacy Hedges

American Beautyberry

In the southeastern region of the United States, the American Beautyberry is a shrub that is known for its appealing appearance. It has the potential to reach a height of roughly six feet, or possibly slightly higher, under the right circumstances.

The ideal environment for this plant is one that has a touch of shade and rich, moist soil. Both seeds and cuttings can be used to begin the process of propagation. Despite their diminutive size, the blossoms of the American Beautyberry are not particularly spectacular.



However, after the flowers have bloomed, clusters of bright purple-pink berries will emerge along the stems, creating a stunning show throughout the autumn season. Several different kinds of birds that consume fruit are drawn to the spherical, tiny berries.



Border Forsythia

There is a wide selection of forsythia cultivars available, and many of them are good choices for use as hedge plants. It is possible to prune the Border Forsythia to retain the proper shape and size, despite the fact that it is a taller type that can reach a height of about twenty feet.


Forsythia is a resilient plant that may thrive in a wide range of growth circumstances; however, it will flower most effectively when exposed to direct sunlight. In addition to being a well-known yellow flowering shrub, forsythia is also quite simple to care for.



At the beginning of spring, before the leaves have fully developed, these plants are covered with clusters of extremely beautiful flowers that are a golden yellow colour. During the remainder of the growth season, the plant will appear with simple green leaves once it has bloomed.


In addition to being widely available for purchase, camellias are also very popular shrubs. There is a wide range of camellia types available, each with a unique variety of blossom colour and a number of varied bloom dates.


In addition to being white, pink, red, or bicolored, flowers are attractive to bees. The leaves are broad and have a deep green colour. They remain on the plant throughout the entire year. Due to the fact that this plant has the potential to grow to a considerable height, it is an excellent larger addition to a privacy hedge.



Areas that have some shade are ideal for the growth of camellias. The soil ought to be kept moist while still being well-drained. These plants thrive in soils that are slightly acidic and contain a high concentration of nutrients.

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The Cotoneaster is a shrub that has a tightly packed canopy of leaves and produces a large quantity of blooms as well as fruits. The blooms are tiny and pinkish-white in colour, and they bloom from the end of spring to the beginning of summer.


Following the blossoming of the plant, it is covered with a profusion of little fruits that are bright red in colour and are equally appealing. During the autumn season, the leaves are also colourful and provide a lovely complement to other plants that have fall foliage.



The soil should be wet and well-drained for the cotoneaster to thrive. It is best to plant it in a spot that receives moderate to full sunlight. Once it gets established, it thrives in soil that is drier and can withstand a certain amount of dryness. Both seeds and stem cuttings are viable methods for propagating this plant successfully.



Fragrant Sumac

Sumac, which is native to eastern North America, is a shrub that is both fragrant and appealing. There are clusters of little flowers that have a greenish hue that bloom in the spring, but the most beautiful show of this plant occurs in the fall.

When the autumn leaf season is at its greatest, the leaves of Fragrant Sumac transform into a magnificent scarlet red colour and look absolutely stunning when arranged in a conspicuous hedge. Fragrant Sumac should be planted on soil that is dry to medium in moisture and has efficient drainage.



Both direct sunlight and partial shade are beneficial to its growth. Birds are drawn to the small, round, fuzzy fruits, while butterflies are drawn to the blossoms by their beauty. In spite of the fact that the leaves are strikingly similar to those of poison ivy, this plant does not cause irritation to the skin.



Fringe Flower

Fringe Flower, also known as Chinese Fringe Flower, is a shrub that has a densely packed foliage and has the potential to grow quite tall and similarly wide. Full sun is ideal for its performance. It should be planted in soil that is rich, wet, and it should drain properly.


Mulch should be applied around the base of the plant if it is planted in an area that experiences colder winter temperatures. This will assist prevent the roots from freezing. This shrub has the ability to produce colourful flowers as well as colourful foliage.



Blooms are little tufts of a deep pink colour that develop in the spring. However, some plants will bloom again later in the year.Leaves that are older are a dark green colour, but younger leaves at the terminals of the branches can range from green to pinkish-green in colour.



Fringe Tree

There is a native population of Fringe Tree in the eastern United States. Despite its diminutive size, this blossoming tree is quite stunning and dazzling. In the latter part of spring, the tree bears an abundance of tiny blossoms that are creamy white and fringed as well.

Flowers emit a pleasant aroma and give the impression that they obscure the tree with a white haze. Fruit-eating birds are drawn to the tree because it produces a large quantity of little fruits that are dark purple in colour.



Place the Fringe Tree in a spot that receives full sun to partial shade so that it can thrive. The ideal soil is one that is rich, moist, and has good drainage. It is possible to incorporate this small tree into a privacy hedge, which is only one of the many potential applications for this tree in interior landscaping.



There is a strong aroma emanating from the petals of gardenias, which are also known as Cape Jasmine. Flowers can be either single or double blooms, and they are enormous, showy, and white in colour. It is possible for Gardenia to bloom throughout the summer in warmer areas; but, in the cooler part of its growth zone, it blooms mostly from the end of spring until the beginning of summer.

Although gardenias are evergreen bushes, they can be picky about the conditions in which they are maintained. They are most successful in locations that have some shade. It is important to maintain a moist but not damp soil.



During the middle of summer, fertilise the soil and plant it in an area that has soil that is rich, well-drained, and slightly acidic. Due to the fact that these plants are quickly disturbed, it is important to minimise competition with the roots of the plants that are nearby.


Glossy Abelia

It is possible to create an efficient low hedge by planting groups of Glossy Abelia, which is a plant that requires little upkeep. Hardy and tolerant of less-than-ideal growing conditions, plants are able to thrive over time. Both full sun and partial shade, as well as soil that is well-drained and has a medium amount of moisture, are ideal growing conditions for Abelia.

Clusters of fragrant flowers bloom from the late spring to the early fall. Flowers bloom during this time period. Hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees are drawn to the cone-shaped flowers by their small size, white colour, and cone-like form. Pruning should be done during the winter months in order to stimulate new growth in the spring and an abundance of blossoms.



Hardy Hibiscus

The Hardy Hibiscus, also known as Swamp Mallow, is native to the eastern and southern United States. This plant has extremely showy flowers that bloom from mid to late summer. Flowers are rather large, pink to white, and attract butterflies and other pollinators.


Hardy Hibiscus prefers moist to wet soil and would be an excellent addition to a rain garden. Soil should be rich in organic matter and plants benefit from regular fertilization. Plant it in full sun for best growth and flowering. If the plant becomes too scraggly looking, it can be pruned to encourage more compact growth.



Highbush Blueberry

For an edible hedge, here is a blooming shrub that you can use. It’s not simply that blueberries are delicious; they also make wonderful plants for ornamental purposes in the garden.

Complete sunlight is ideal for their growth, although they can also thrive in moderate partial shade. The soil ought to have a high level of organic matter, a high acidity, and good drainage. The soil should be kept moist at all times because blueberries dislike it when it gets dry.



Around the middle of June, clusters of ripe, luscious blueberries begin to bloom, which attract birds as well as humans who are hungry. It is best to prune blueberries throughout the winter months in order to promote more compact growth and increased fruit production.




A hedge planting would benefit greatly from the inclusion of inkberry, which is a shrub that grows densely and maintains its green colour throughout the year. The little clusters of greenish-white flowers that make up this shrub’s flowers are rather modest.


Once the season has progressed, plants will produce little dark berries that are attractive to birds. Your inkberry should be planted in a spot that receives full sun to partial shade. It thrives in soil that is both acidic and filled with organic debris, and it prefers damp soil.


In the spring, the Lilac, also known as the Common Lilac, produces blossoms that are exceptionally fragrant. The tall clusters of light purple-blue blooms that they produce during their blooming season are attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies.


If the conditions are right, lilacs have the potential to grow quite huge and to spread in a rather aggressive manner. Removing wasted flowers and undesirable growths can assist in preventing the spread of the disease.

When planted in full sun and in milder areas, lilacs can grow and bloom to their greatest potential. A soil that is well-drained and has a medium moisture content is ideal for them. They are not troubled by rabbits or deer, and they are also excellent for cutting as flowers.




    Jasmine Gomez is the Wishes Editor at Birthday Stock, where she cover the best wishes, quotes across family, friends and more. When she's not writing for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Who we are and how we work. We currently have seven trained editors working in our office to produce top-notch content that you can rely on. All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy.

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