12 Proven Health Benefits of Walnuts

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12 Proven Health Benefits of Walnuts  :- Walnuts are a good source of healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals; however, this is only the beginning of the beneficial effects that walnuts may have on your health. An annual walnut conference has been held at the University of California, Davis for the past half-century, with the purpose of bringing together industry professionals and scientists to discuss the most recent findings in walnut health research.


12 Proven Health Benefits of Walnuts

This is due to the fact that there is such a high level of interest in this particular nut. The English walnut, also known as Juglans regia, is the type of walnut that has been studied the most. It is also the most common variety of walnut.


1. High in protective agents

More antioxidant activity can be found in walnuts than in any other type of nut. Vitamin E, melatonin, and plant chemicals known as polyphenols (Trusted Source) are responsible for this action. The papery skin of walnuts contains a very high concentration of polyphenols.


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Eating a dinner high in walnuts lowered the participants’ levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), according to research done on healthy persons over 60. Atherosclerosis can develop in your arteries if low-density lipoprotein (LDL) accumulates there Trusted Source.


2. Excellent plant-based omega-3 supply

Compared to other nuts, walnuts have the highest concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, with 2.5 grams (g)Trusted Source per 1-ounce (oz) consumption. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the name for omega-3 lipids found in plants, such as walnuts. Since it’s a necessary fat, you must obtain it through diet.


The Institute of Medicine states that 1.6 g of ALA for males and 1.1 g for women per day is an appropriate intake. This recommendation is met by a single serving of walnuts from Trusted Source. Increased dietary quantities of ALA may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such heart disease and arrhythmia, according to studies Trusted Source.


3. Could lessen swelling

inflammatory response Trusted Source, the cause of many diseases, can be attributed to oxidative stress. Walnut polyphenols have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. ellagitannins are a subclass of polyphenols that may be particularly relevant.


Ellagitannins are changed by beneficial bacteria in your stomach into substances known as urolithins, which have been shown to reduce inflammation. Walnuts include ALA, omega-3 fats, magnesium, and the amino acid arginine, all of which can reduce inflammation.


4. Encourage gut health

Research indicates that you have a higher chance of having a healthy gut and general well-being if your stomach is home to a diverse range of bacteria and other microorganisms known as your gut microbiota.

Unhealthy gut microbiota composition can raise your risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer by causing inflammation and disease in the gut and other parts of your body.


Your microbiota’s composition can be greatly influenced by the foods you eat. Consuming walnuts could be one method to promote gut and microbial health.


5. Could lower risk of specific malignancies

Studies on animals and a small number of humans indicate that walnut consumption may lower your chance of developing breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers, among other malignancies. Walnuts are high in ellagitannins, a type of polyphenol, as was previously mentioned.

The chemicals known as urolithins can be produced from them by specific gut microorganisms. Eating walnuts may help prevent colorectal cancer because urolithins have anti-inflammatory qualities in the stomach. These anti-inflammatory properties may also aid in the prevention of other malignancies.


Furthermore, urolithins might block your body’s hormone receptors because of their hormone-like characteristics. This may lessen your chance of developing malignancies linked to hormones, including cancers of the breast and prostate.



6. Encourage healthy weight control

Despite the high calorie content of walnuts, a small study from 2016 indicates that your body gets 21% less energy from them than you would think given their nutrition.

In a carefully monitored study Trusted Source, participants’ appetite and hunger were reduced for five days after consuming a smoothie containing roughly 1.75 oz (48 g) of walnuts once a day. This was contrasted with a placebo drink that had the same amount of calories and nutrients.


Furthermore, brain scans conducted on the subjects after they had been consuming the walnut smoothies for five days revealed that they had activated a section of their brains more than usual, which helped them avoid extremely enticing food signals like french fries and cake.



7. May assist in controlling and reducing the chance of type 2 diabetes

Based on observational studies, walnuts may help control weight, which may be one factor in their association with a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes. Being overweight raises your risk of developing diabetes and high blood sugar.


Walnuts may have effects on blood sugar regulation in addition to helping with weight management. The fasting blood sugar level and A1C of the control group did not improve. There was no change in weight for either group.



8. Could assist in lowering blood pressure

One of the main risk factors for heart disease and stroke is high blood pressure. Consuming walnuts may help lower blood pressure, even in those with high blood pressure, according to a small 2019 study Trusted Source.


Furthermore, a 2019 research review’s authors looked at the results of a Mediterranean diet, which frequently includes consuming walnuts and other nuts. They came to the conclusion that some people may benefit from a Mediterranean diet by having reduced blood pressure.


9. Encourage aging in a healthful manner

Maintaining your mobility and independence as you age depends on maintaining strong physical functioning. Maintaining good food habits is one thing that can assist you keep up your physical capabilities.


Researchers observed that over 50,000 women over the age of 18 in an observational research Trusted Source showed that the healthiest diets were associated with a 13% lower incidence of physical disability.


10. Encourage healthy brain activity

The walnut’s resemblance to a miniature brain may just be a coincidence, but studies indicate that walnuts may be beneficial to mental health.

Studies on humans and animals According to a reliable source, by lowering free radicals, the minerals and antioxidants in walnuts may help lessen oxidative stress and inflammation.


Furthermore, a 2019 human study Trusted Source discovered that incorporating nuts, including walnuts, in one’s diet helped those suffering from depression feel less depressed.

Eating walnuts has been associated with improved brain function in studies conducted on mice, including increases in memory, learning abilities, motor development, and behavior related to anxiety.


11. Promote the health of sperm donors’ reproductive systems

Common Western diets that are heavy in sugar, processed foods, and refined grains have been connected to lowered sperm function. Consuming walnuts may enhance male fertility and sperm health.

A 2012 study with 117 young men in good health found that those following a Western-style diet and consuming 2.5 oz (75 g) of walnuts daily for three months had better sperm motility, shape, and vitality than those who did not eat nuts.


Eating walnuts may help protect sperm by lowering oxidative damage in their membranes, according to animal research Trusted Source.



12. Lower blood fat levels

High triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol have long been associated with an elevated risk of heart disease. Consuming walnuts on a regular basis has been repeatedly demonstrated to lower cholesterol levels Trusted Source.


Eating 1.5 oz (43 g) of walnuts daily for 8 weeks led to a 5% decrease in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides compared to not eating walnuts, according to a small 2017 study Trusted Source. The participants were healthy.





    Jasmine Gomez is the Wishes Editor at Birthday Stock, where she cover the best wishes, quotes across family, friends and more. When she's not writing for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Who we are and how we work. We currently have seven trained editors working in our office to produce top-notch content that you can rely on. All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy.

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