6 Realistic Fitness Goals To Set This Year

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6 Realistic Fitness Goals To Set This Year: Let’s take a trip together, hearts beating to the beat of our breath, as dawn breaks and the world wakes up. Let’s set six attainable fitness goals that will guide us through this year.


6 Realistic Fitness Goals To Set This Year

1. Embrace Movement in Every Day

Find the dance in your steps in the quiet times between dawn and dusk. Let your body enjoy the pleasure of moving.


Let yourself move with purpose and ease, whether it’s a gentle stretch when you wake up, a brisk walk through the trees, or a lively dance in the kitchen.

Every step and sway is a sign of the life that beats inside you.


2. Nourish Your Body with Love

Take care of your body like a holy object that deserves the best food. Find the bright colors that come from the food that nature gives you, like golden grains, crisp greens, and juicy berries.

Enjoy every bite, which is a medley of tastes that are good for the body and the soul. Each meal should be a promise to treat yourself with love and care for the rest of your life.


3. Cultivate a Mindful Practice

Find the safe place of peace in the quiet of your mind. Set aside times to think and observe in peace, when the noise of the world stops and you can hear the soft hum of your own being.

Mindfulness can help you find focus and calm in the chaos of everyday life. You can do this by meditating, doing yoga, or just sitting in silence.


4. Build Strength from Within

In your heart, feel the power that lives there. Do things that strengthen not only your body but also your heart.

As you lift weights that represent your problems, feel the worry leave your body and the strength grow. Let your strength show how strong you are on the inside, how your unwavering spirit shines through.


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5. Prioritize Rest and Recovery

Balance is very important in life. Give yourself the grace of rest and the comfort of getting better.


Pay attention to your body’s signals when it needs a break, and give it what it wants by getting enough rest and taking some time to relax.

Know that rest is not the enemy of progress; it is its loyal friend that will help you feel refreshed and ready for every day.


6. Connect with a Community

We are not alone; we are connected to each other through a huge web of relationships. Find a group of people that motivates and inspires you, and share and enjoy your fitness journey with them.

Find your tribe, whether it’s in an exercise club, a group class, or an online community. Let their support push you toward your goals like the wind beneath your wings.


These six goals should help you find peace, health, and happiness in your life as the year goes on. May you find the strength to enjoy the trip and the knowledge to value each moment along the way in every heartbeat, breath, and step.



    Jasmine Gomez is the Wishes Editor at Birthday Stock, where she cover the best wishes, quotes across family, friends and more. When she's not writing for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Who we are and how we work. We currently have seven trained editors working in our office to produce top-notch content that you can rely on. All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy.

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