Salada de macarrão César com frango – receita mais fácil de todos os tempos :- The macarrão César salad with frango is a dish that defies categorization because it is both a delicious and uncomplicated dish that can be prepared for any occasion. In the event that something unexpected takes place, it is a great choice. If you follow the straightforward recipe that is provided in this article, you will be able to make this salad on your own at home if you adhere to the instructions.
Salada de macarrão César com frango – receita mais fácil de todos os tempos
The macarrão César salad with frango is a dish that defies categorization due to the fact that it is both a delectable and straightforward dish that can be prepared for any occasion at any time. Additionally, it is an excellent option to have in the case that something unforeseen takes happen. If you adhere to the instructions and follow the uncomplicated recipe that is provided in this article, you will be able to prepare this salad on your own at home if you follow the method.
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Para a salada:
- 250g de macarrão (penne, farfalle ou o que preferir)
- 2 peitos de frango sem pele e sem osso
- Sal e pimenta a gosto
- 1 colher de sopa de azeite de oliva
- 4 xícaras de alface romana picada
- 1 xícara de croutons
- 1/2 xícara de queijo parmesão ralado
Para o molho César:
- 1/2 xícara de maionese
- 1/4 xícara de queijo parmesão ralado
- 2 colheres de sopa de suco de limão
- 2 colheres de chá de molho Worcestershire
- 1 dente de alho picado
- 1 colher de chá de mostarda Dijon
- Sal e pimenta a gosto
- Água (opcional, para ajustar a consistência do molho)
Modo de preparo:
Cooking the macarrão: Using a large panel, cook the macarrão in salted water in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer until it reaches the desired point of firmness. Escorra and enxágue with cold water in order to interrupt the feeling of being warm. Do not use.
Azeite should be heated in a fog that is medium-to-high level in a large refrigerator. Prepare the frango peitos by cooking them for approximately seven to eight minutes on each side, or until they are completely cooked and dry. Retire from the fog and take a few minutes to relax before you start to tire yourself in the last stages of the race.
In order to prepare the Molho César, you need begin by combining the following ingredients in a small tigela: maionese, queijo parmesão, suco de limúo, molho Worcestershire, alho picado, and mostarda Dijon. Prepare by combining salt and pepper to taste.
In the event that the molho is extremely thick, add a small amount of water and a tablespoon of chá that is added on a regular basis until the desired consistency is achieved.
Assemble a fresh salad: In a large tigela, combine the macarrão that has been cooked, the frango that has been fattened, the romana peppered alface, and the croutons. Ensure that all of the ingredients are thoroughly reconstituted by adding the César molho and thoroughly mixing the ingredients together.
Dicas e Variações:
Grelhado de Frango: If you want to give your dish a more intense flavor, you can grelho the frango rather than cooking it in the refrigerator. This will enable you to achieve the desired result. Because of this, you will be able to accomplish what you set out to do.
In order to impart a more distinctive flavor to your salad, you might want to think about including certain ingredients such as azeitonas pretas, tomates cereja, or even bacon crocante. The incorporation of this will endow your salad with a unique quality that will distinguish it from the other salads that are being served.
In the event that you are seeking for a César caseiro that is well-known for its authenticity, you have the option of adding chopped anchovies to the mixture that is used to make the molho. This will allow you to achieve the desired level of authenticity.