Lasanha cremosa de abobrinha :- Those individuals who are looking for a refeição that is both reviving and full of flavor might choose the lasanha cremosa de abobrinha as a delectable and wholesome option. Using camadas of abobrinha grelhada, molho of tomate caseiro, and an irresistible crème of queijo, this recipe combines a variety of textures and flavors in a way that is completely unique.
Lasanha cremosa de abobrinha
We are going to investigate the process of preparing this lasanha step by step, highlighting the ingredients, techniques, and techniques that are necessary to ensure a perfect outcome.
- 3 abobrinhas médias
- 1 cebola média, picada
- 3 dentes de alho, picados
- 500g de molho de tomate (pode ser caseiro ou pronto)
- 250g de queijo ricota
- 200g de queijo muçarela ralado
- 100g de queijo parmesão ralado
- 1 xícara de leite
- 2 colheres de sopa de farinha de trigo
- 2 colheres de sopa de manteiga
- Noz-moscada a gosto
- Sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto
- Azeite de oliva
- Folhas de manjericão fresco para decorar
The first step is to prepare the abobrinhas. The abobrinhas of the corte: Remove the abobrinhas and cut them into fatias that are very little in the direction of the comprimento. This will ensure that they cook in a manner that is consistent and straightforward. Grelhe as abobrinhas: Em uma frigideira ou chapa quente, grelhe as fatias de abobrinha con un fio de azeite até que fiquem levemente douradas dos dois lados. Do not use.
The second step is to prepare the molho de tomate. To rephrase the cebola and the alho: A small amount of azeite should be added to a panel, and the cebola and the alho should be refrigerated until they become tender and fragrant. The tomato paste is added by placing the tomato paste on a panel and allowing it to cook in a low-temperature oven for around ten to fifteen minutes, until the tomato paste is completely incorporated.
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Make a tempering with salt, pepper, and reserve. The next step is to prepare the cheese cream. Concoct the roux by: In a different panel, the manteiga is positioned in a fog that is low. It is possible to make a homogenous pasta (roux) by adding the farinha of trigo and mexa in a good manner. Add the milk: During the month of Lent, add the milk to the roux, taking care to do so consistently in order to avoid grumos.
Cooking for a few minutes until the cream of the crop is absorbed. Adjust the cream by adding salt, pimenta-do-reino, and noz-moscada to taste. Adjust the cream by adding salt. Once the panela of the fogo has been removed, add the ricota, the metade of the muçarela, and the metade of the parmesão to the cream. Mix everything together thoroughly until the queijos are incorporated into the molho.
Reconstruction of the Lasanha: Preparation of the oven: Bring the oven up to 180 degrees Celsius. Monte as camadas: In a large refrigerator, begin by distributing a camada complete with tomato molho at the bottom of the refrigerator for the first time. In the following step, you will need to create a camada of fatias using grelhadas. Cubra with a portion of the cheese cream of the cheese.
Repetition of the process until all of the ingredients have been incorporated, culminating in the addition of a container of cheese cream on top. Polvilhe the last portion of the mucarela and the parmesão on the top of the lasanha with the finalization. This is a refratário that is made of aluminum paper. The term “coziness” Put the lasagna in the oven and let it cook for about half an hour after it has been preheated.
In comparison to the traditional method, the lasanha cremosa of abobrinha is not only a more manageable and healthy alternative, but it is also an innovative approach to incorporating more vegetables into one’s diet. As a result of the combination of grelhada, molho de tomate caseiro, and cream de queijo derretido, this recipe transforms into a genuine culinary adventure worth experiencing. Experiment with making it at home and be sure to take advantage of every single piece of this delicious and comforting dish!