Frango assado em panela lenta: Chicken that has been cooked in a slow cooker is very juicy and tastes great. This easy meal can be frozen and is great for feeding a family.
Frango assado em panela lenta
1 cebola grande, descascada e cortada em rodelas grossas
2 cenouras cortadas ao meio no sentido do comprimento e picadas
1 frango pequeno ou médio
2 colheres de sopa de manteiga amolecida
1 folha de louro
If you need to, heat up the slow cooker. Place the onion and carrot at the bottom of the stock pot to make a safe base for the chicken.
Then, add 100ml of hot water. Pull the chicken skin away from the breast slowly. Add salt and pepper to the butter, then press it under the skin. Place the bay leaf inside the chicken and on top of the carrot and onion.
Let it cook on low for 5 hours. After that, move one of the wings around to make sure it’s done; it should feel very loose.
Also See:
Receita de biscoitos de chocolate sem assar
Turn the chicken over so that any juice inside can drain, then cook for 30 minutes on high. If the chicken is still not fully cooked after an hour, raise the heat and cook for another hour.
To get the skin brown, put it on the grill for a few minutes. If you keep it in the slow cooker, make sure the insert is flameproof, or move it to a baking pan.
There will be sauce in the dish’s base with the vegetables. Pour it all through a sieve and gently press the vegetables to get every drop. You can put the vegetables on the side if you want to.
Nutrição: por porção
kcal 497
fat 30g
saturates 10g
carbs 7g
sugars 6g
fibre 2g
protein 49g
salt 0.5g