Ensopado de frango arrabbiata e bolinhos de parmesão

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Ensopado de frango arrabbiata e bolinhos de parmesão :- Un ensopado de frango arrabbiata é uma deliciosa combinação de sabores picantes e ricos, perfect for a jantar that leaves you feeling apprehensive. Whenever this dish is accompanied by bolinhos of parmesão, which contribute a crocante texture and an amanteigado flavor, it becomes even more exceptional and exceptional. In the following, I will provide you with a detailed recipe for preparing this exceptional dish.


Ensopado de frango arrabbiata e bolinhos de parmesão

A lovely combination of rich and spicy aromas, the rabbit stew is an ideal choice for a dinner that is both comfortable and satisfying. When served with cheesecakes, which offer a crumbly texture and a sweet flavor, this meal is elevated to an even higher level of excellence. An in-depth recipe for cooking this mouthwatering dish is provided in the following paragraphs.


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Para o ensopado de frango arrabbiata:

  • 500g de peito de frango, cortado em cubos
  • 2 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva
  • 1 cebola grande, picada
  • 3 dentes de alho, picados
  • 1 pimentão vermelho, picado
  • 1 pimentão amarelo, picado
  • 2 latas (400g cada) de tomate pelado
  • 1 colher de sopa de extrato de tomate
  • 1 colher de chá de pimenta calabresa
  • 1 colher de chá de orégano seco
  • 1 colher de chá de manjericão seco
  • Sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto
  • 1/2 xícara de caldo de galinha
  • 1/2 xícara de vinho branco (opcional)
  • Folhas de manjericão fresco para decorar

Para os bolinhos de parmesão:

  • 1 xícara de farinha de trigo
  • 1 colher de chá de fermento em pó
  • 1/2 colher de chá de sal
  • 1/4 de colher de chá de pimenta-do-reino
  • 1/2 xícara de queijo parmesão ralado
  • 2 colheres de sopa de manteiga gelada, cortada em cubos
  • 1/2 xícara de leite


Refogar os Ingredientes: In a large panel, heat the olive oil in a medium-to-high flame. Add the olive oil. Add the frango cubes and cook them until they are dry on all sides. This should be done throughout the entire process. Let the frango of the panel and reserve be retired.

For the preparation of vegetables, place the chopped onion on the same panel and refrigerate it until it is completely dissolved, which should take approximately five minutes. The alho picado and the pimentões are added, and the mixture is cooked for an additional three to four minutes until the vegetables become soft.


Incorporating the Flavors: Add the sliced tomatoes, accumulating them in a moderate amount with a pinch of salt. In a mixture, combine the following ingredients: tomato, pimenta calabresa, orégano, manjericão, salt, and pimenta-do-reino. If you want the flavors to come together, you should let the food cook for five minutes.

For the addition of liquids, remove the caldo of galinha and the vinho branco (if you are using it), and then reduce the mixture so that it can be heated. Reduce the quantity of fog and allow it to cook for twenty minutes, which will allow the flavors to become more assertive.


Nutrition Tips:

For the preparation of the massa, a large tigela should be used to combine the farinha of trigo, the fermento in pó, the salt, the pimenta-do-reino, and the queijo parmesão that has been raised. You should add the gelled manteiga and use the tips of your fingers to incorporate the manteiga into the mixture until the mass has a texture similar to that of a farofa.

Incorporating the Milk: Stir the milk into the mixture and continue to mix it until the mass is completely homogenous. Do not mistreat the demais. This dish is best enjoyed when it is served hot, with a glass of red or white wine to accentuate the powerful flavors of the dish.


Assemble the footballs by forming small balls with the massa and placing them in an assadeira that is surrounded by papel made of manteiga. Create the footballs with your hands. To cook the balls, place them in a preheated oven at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius for fifteen to twenty minutes, or until they become dense and solid when touched.

Montagem do Prato: Sirva o ensopado de frango arrabbiata em tigelas individuais, decorando con folhas de manjericão fresco. A couple of tablespoons of parmesan should be either on the side or directly in the ensopado.




    Jasmine Gomez is the Wishes Editor at Birthday Stock, where she cover the best wishes, quotes across family, friends and more. When she's not writing for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Who we are and how we work. We currently have seven trained editors working in our office to produce top-notch content that you can rely on. All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy.

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