Easy Pineapple Pretzel Fluff (Dessert Salad)

Easy Pineapple Pretzel Fluff (Dessert Salad) :-This is a meal that is ideal for a cookout, picnic, or potluck because it is very simple to prepare. Serve it as a sweet side dish or as a dessert. Both options are possible. Everybody will inquire about the recipe from you.

What makes this fluff treat so incredibly delicious is the inclusion of pretzel chunks. They are made with a significant amount of sugar and butter. Every bite is a combination of sweet, salty, and buttery flavors.


Easy Pineapple Pretzel Fluff (Dessert Salad)

Pineapple Pretzel Fluff

Ingredients :

  • 1 cup of pretzels that have been crushed
  •  A half cup of melted butter.
  • One cup of granulated sugar, divided.
  • Eight ounces of cream cheese, softened.
  • One can of crushed pineapple, twenty ounces in size, drained.
  • One container of thawed Cool Whip, twelve ounces in size.


Instructions :

Set the oven temperature to 400 degrees. Line a baking pan measuring 9 inches by 13 inches with parchment paper.


Combine the pretzel pieces, butter, and half a cup of sugar in a bowl of medium size and whisk to combine. Add the mixture to the baking pan that has been prepared.


It should be fanned out a little bit and gently pressed down on. It is not necessary for it to cover the level of the pan’s bottom.


Take seven minutes to bake. Wait for it to cool.


Cream cheese and the remaining half cup of sugar should be beaten together in a large basin with a hand-held mixer until the mixture is smooth and creamy.


Pineapple and cool whip should be folded in. Put in the refrigerator for at least one hour.


Make sure to crumble the pretzel mixture and incorporate it into the pineapple sauce right before serving. It is my preference to set aside some of it for use as a topping.


Tips For Making :

It may be difficult to locate containers of Cool Whip that are 12 ounces in size. Additionally, you are able to use half of a second 8-ounce container in addition to one full 8-ounce container.

You may also purchase a container that is 16 ounces and utilize three quarters of it.

Keeping the pretzel pieces crisp and crunchy requires that you mix them in at the very last minute. If you have any leftovers, the pretzel pieces will become slightly softer, but the flavor will not be affected in any way throughout this process.


Notes :

By placing the pineapple in a sieve with a fine mesh and placing it over a bowl, I am able to drain the pineapple. Allow it to sit there for a good five to ten minutes so that all of the liquid that is not needed can drain off.

able can be made twenty-four hours in advance. Be sure to store the pretzel mixture in a bag with a zip-top and mix it in right before serving.

I use pineapple that is packed in pineapple juice, not the kind that is packed in heavy syrup.




    Jasmine Gomez is the Wishes Editor at Birthday Stock, where she cover the best wishes, quotes across family, friends and more. When she's not writing for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Who we are and how we work. We currently have seven trained editors working in our office to produce top-notch content that you can rely on. All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy.

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