8 Pictures of Tulips to Make You Dream of Spring : Enjoy the breathtaking beauty of tulips by browsing through our collection of tulip photos. See unusual tulips, tulips in the rain, and even tulips with birds!
8 Pictures of Tulips to Make You Dream of SpringÂ
1. Bird Resting on a Tulip
Looking out my kitchen window on a chilly, rainy spring day, I noticed this bird perched on the tulips in the backyard. After grabbing my lens and camera, I went outside. I was shocked to find it still there when I walked around the house. It looked at me and lifted his head after I took a few pictures, but it stayed put. I took a few more photos before discreetly leaving and entering the house again. When the rain stopped, the bird departed, according to Doug Thomas.
2. Surprising Striped Tulip
This tulip was a fortunate mishap! It seems to have been incorporated with the other hues I cultivated. Corrie Carswell exclaims, “I wasn’t expecting this gorgeous striped variety, but I definitely wasn’t complaining.”
3. Cabanna Parrot Tulips
“I was astounded by the beauty and hues of the Cabanna Parrot tulip, which I had never seen before. This is a tulip that I wish I had in my own garden. Maureen Dwyer says, “I shot this picture on a May morning at Chanticleer Gardens in St. Davids, Pennsylvania, one of my favourite neighbouring gardens.
4. Rainy Pictures of Tulips
After it had rained, my spouse and I were strolling through Pella, Iowa, and admiring the tulips. This one truly drew our attention. It had the most exquisite feathery edges and two-toned colour. According to Anthony Fajkus, there are also water droplets that the rain left behind on the petals.
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5. Tulips Leaning on Each Other
“I frequently like to take pictures in nearby gardens. In this instance, I went to Summit, New Jersey’s Reeves-Reed Arboretum. This picture was taken late one April morning following an especially heavy downpour the previous evening. I was immediately drawn to the way the two blossoms appeared to cling to and support one another; I assumed they were doing this to weather the storm. The picture reminds me of moments in my life when I’ve required help from others,” remarks Randy Samuels.
6. Tulips Are a Sign of Spring
We took this picture in the spring of 2021. The previous autumn, I mixed up some Darwin hybrid tulip bulbs and planted them in front of my house because I had never planted tulips before. I started keeping an eye on their development every day starting in late February, curious what colour they were. I was eventually rewarded to a rainbow of pinks, oranges, and purples in April. According to Ross Waitt, “It was a sign that winter was finally over.”
7.Dare to Be Different Tulip
Every spring, there is a tulip festival in Holland, Michigan. My goal when I went there was to pick out a tulip that stood out from the rest. I looked everywhere before I saw this purple flower that emerges from the white tulips. “Stand out in a Crowd” is what I called it. Blair Celano adds, “People don’t have to be scared to be different.
8. Unusual Perspective
The tulips have remained in bloom every spring since we bought our house from my grandparents in this particular colour. Even after more than two decades, I continue to be enthralled with the exquisite composition that emerges from shooting an open flower. According to Anna Applegate, the picture was taken in my garden, which was my grandmother’s for more than 65 years.