Why Are My Plant Leaves Yellow?

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Why Are My Plant Leaves Yellow? :-  It’s annoying when the leaves on your houseplants turn yellow. There are situations when the cause is clear-cut, making diagnosis and correction quick. Sometimes the issue is less clear-cut and more mysterious. In these situations, you’ll need to experiment with making small changes at a time until your plant starts to show progress.


Why Are My Plant Leaves Yellow?

When a leaf turns completely yellow, you should use a sterile cutting tool to remove it from your plant. The plant will be able to concentrate its nutrients on healthy leaves if the leaf is removed. Even if you fix the issue, a yellow leaf that has lost its chlorophyll (pigment) won’t turn green again. Don’t panic, new leaves may fill in during the following growing season if the plant regains health.


1 Moisture Stress

When the leaves of an indoor plant become yellow, the most typical causes are either overwatering or underwatering.1. It’s important to water potted plants only as much as they require.

Examine the dirt in the pot if the leaves on your plant appear yellow. Does it feel dry? Is it completely wet? In order to preserve water, plants that don’t get enough of it shed their leaves in order to stop transpiration, which is essentially a form of sweating.


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However, the leaves usually become yellow before they drop, sometimes with brown blotches and sometimes just at the tips. Get the plant on a regular watering schedule as soon as possible if this is occurring due to dry soil.

For leaves, too much water can be just as harmful. A surplus of water leaves the soil wet and root systems might practically drown when the soil doesn’t drain properly. Roots begin to rot without oxygen.

2 Normal Aging

Many plants lose their bottom leaves as they get older and turn yellow. This is only a typical stage of their development.

Here, there’s no need to worry. Consider pruning back the main stem if the plant is too lanky in order to encourage new growth and bushiness.

3 Cold Draft

Tropical plants frequently experience yellowing and dropping of the leaves due to cold drafts.2. This is not the same as brief exposure to extremely low temperatures, which can result in the leaves being completely brown or in the appearance of pale, transparent patches in between veins.


Move your plant to a less turbulent location if it’s close to an air conditioner vent in the summer or a drafty window in the winter. Watch it closely to see if the golden leaves continue to spread. Misting tropical that you’re overwintering is another smart idea to boost humidity.


4 Lack of Light

Low-light plants frequently experience yellowing of the lower leaves prior to leaf drop. There is a hint you can search for if this is the problem you are having.

When a plant is getting too little light, it usually yellows on the side facing the source of light. For example, the leaves by the window are completely shaded and obstructing the light coming from the other side. Turning the container slightly once a week will help to ensure that all sides receive natural light.


If so, try moving the plant to a more sunny spot and monitoring its health. You may need to set up one or more artificial plant lights if window light is scarce in your house, particularly during the winter.

5 Nutrient Deficiency

If a plant does not get all the nutrients it needs, its leaves may also become yellow. If you use hard water, the source of this could be an excess of calcium in the water or a lack of nitrogen.

The upper leaves of the plant may be the first to turn yellow if this is the issue. In other instances, the yellowing may have an odd pattern. For example, the tissue in between the veins may turn yellow, but the veins themselves may stay dark.


Depending on the species, different plants need different nutrients, and some are pickier than others. It’s critical to get an accurate diagnosis in order to avoid killing a plant that could otherwise be restored to health. Investing in a basic soil kit to conduct soil tests at home can be a wise decision. It will be really beneficial if you can identify your plant’s needs precisely. This will maintain the happiness and health of your plants.


6 Viral Infection

A viral infection on your plant may manifest as blotchy, widely dispersed yellow areas on its leaves. This could be followed by flowers that are discolored and leaves and stems that are malformed.

Plant viral infections can spread to all neighboring susceptible plants and may not be curable.4 Set aside a sick plant as soon as you discover it and keep it apart from the rest of your plants. To make sure the spread is contained, examine the plants next to yours.


Before taking any action to preserve the plant, you need to try to figure out what kind of virus it is. Fungicides may be used in certain treatments, while the removal of healthy sections and propagation may be necessary in others. You will have to get go of any plants that you are unable to restore to health, even if it could hurt if they are a favorite. Before using any trimming tools or pots on other plants, wash and sanitize them.



    Jasmine Gomez is the Wishes Editor at Birthday Stock, where she cover the best wishes, quotes across family, friends and more. When she's not writing for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Who we are and how we work. We currently have seven trained editors working in our office to produce top-notch content that you can rely on. All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy.

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