How To Grow Peace Lilies – The Ultimate Indoor Houseplant

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How To Grow Peace Lilies – The Ultimate Indoor Houseplant  : Peace lilies are a beautiful, low-maintenance houseplant that you should cultivate! For nearly everyone, everywhere, they are the ideal indoor houseplant! The genus Spathiphyllum contains the tropical perennial plant known as the peace lily. Peace lilies are not genuine lilies, despite their name. Since they are only hardy in USDA Zones 11 and 12, most people in most places keep them indoors as potted houseplants.


How To Grow Peace Lilies – The Ultimate Indoor Houseplant 

Not only can peace lilies add a touch of beauty to every space they adorn, but they serve other purposes as well. Actually, because they filter out contaminants, they are also excellent at cleaning the air.



Lily varieties

Spathiphyllum has many peace lily species. The mature sizes, leaf patterns, and even colour vary by variety.

There are kinds that grow to a foot tall and 6 feet tall. Their adult leaves range from 5 to 25 inches.


Most peace lilies have lustrous, dark green oval leaves. Leaves might be smooth and shiny or rough and textured. Variegated peace lilies have leaves with green and white patterns.

See the conclusion of this article for 5 beautiful kinds that will complement any home design. Any of these kinds look wonderful with Spider Plants or Pothos in the same room. Want more challenge? Then check out Peacock Plants, another beautiful houseplant.


Peace Lilies

A peace lily can produce lovely white spathes after three to five years. The flower is enclosed by the spathe, a leaf bract. It starts pale green and matures to cream or white. Light green will return before death.

The spathe contains the spadix, the flower. The small blossoms resemble a stem-wrapping spike of bumps. The flowers look ugly without a spathe.


Outdoor peace lilies bloom only in spring. They can bloom year-round as indoor houseplants under the correct conditions.

Before pruning, the flowers last around a month. After 10 days, the spathe will brown, so you may detect brown spots soon after flowering. After the spathe browns, trim the long stem to let the plant focus on flowering.


Don’t be startled if you buy a blossoming peace lily that won’t bloom for years since growers add a hormone to young plants to force them to flower. Peace lilies have lovely green leaves without spathes or blossoms.



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How to Grow Peace Lilies

Even though these houseplants are easy to care for, they need the appropriate growing circumstances to produce beautiful spathes and flowers.


Soil Requirements for Peace Lilies

Peace flowers grow naturally on woodland floors. They want soil rich in broken-down leaf and plant matter.



Light Conditions

Peace lilies grow organically in dappled light. Direct light can damage their fragile leaves indoors.

For optimal results, use a bright, indirect sunlight area. Peace lilies like east- or north-facing windows. Place them away from south-facing windows to avoid strong sunlight.

Peace lilies can flourish in low light, however blossoming may be less. Unless you want them to blossom, they’re great for brightening a dark spot.



Peace flowers prefer dry soils against overwatering. However, avoid fully drying the soil. Wait until the top inch or two of soil is dry to water peace lilies. You can also measure soil moisture with a moisture metre. Moisture Probe Metre

Watering frequency depends on various things. Plant size, pot size, air temperature and moisture, and potting soil type all matter.




Peace lilies benefit from monthly indoor plant fertiliser feedings. Like outdoor plants, apply fertilisers to the soil line and avoid the foliage. You can also add fertiliser when watering. Read the fertiliser instructions before using.



Humidity & Temperatures

Peace lilies prefer wet air because they’re woodland natives. Mist leaves weekly with a spray bottle to increase humidity. Cool mist humidifiers can also add moisture. Use rainfall, distilled, or filtered water.



Word of Warning – How To Grow Peace Lilies

If eaten in excessive numbers, peace lilies are poisonous to pets and humans. Calcium oxalate causes gastrointestinal and respiratory problems if ingested in large amounts.

Store them away from tiny children. Keep them away from pets that might eat the foliage.



    Jasmine Gomez is the Wishes Editor at Birthday Stock, where she cover the best wishes, quotes across family, friends and more. When she's not writing for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Who we are and how we work. We currently have seven trained editors working in our office to produce top-notch content that you can rely on. All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy.

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