What To Feed Cardinals In The Winter – The Best Bird Seeds & Feed To Attract Cardinals

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What To Feed Cardinals In The Winter – The Best Bird Seeds & Feed To Attract Cardinals :- Within the continent of North America, there are numerous regions that are home to flourishing populations of Cardinals throughout the entire year. Especially when juxtaposed with the harsh winter landscape, these magnificent birds are a delight to observe due to the beautiful red plumage and melodious songs that they sing.


What To Feed Cardinals In The Winter – The Best Bird Seeds & Feed To Attract Cardinals

For the purpose of attracting cardinals and meeting their dietary requirements, it is essential to provide them with the necessary food during the winter months. In order to guarantee that these feathered companions continue to be content and healthy throughout the winter, the following is a guide to the best bird seeds and feed materials that are available.


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Black Oil Sunflower Seeds

When it comes to attracting cardinals, black oil sunflower seeds are easily the best option. Additionally, they have a significant amount of fat, which is essential for birds throughout the winter months because they require extra energy to keep their body temperature stable. Cardinal beaks are strong enough to easily shatter open these seeds, making them an easy target for cardinals.

Safflower Seeds

One other wonderful alternative is the use of safflower seeds. When it comes to these seeds, cardinals are particularly fond of them, and they also have the added bonus of being less appealing to squirrels and other pests. The seeds of the safflower plant are rich in both protein and fat, making them an excellent source of nutrition for cardinals during the winter months.

White Proso Millet

In spite of the fact that white proso millet is typically preferred by smaller birds, cardinals are also able to consume it. Due to the fact that cardinals are naturally ground foragers, the ideal way to provide millet to them is either a ground feeder or a platform feeder. This seed is an excellent source of carbs and also contains a small amount of protein.

Peanuts and Peanut Pieces

When it comes to high-energy foods, cardinals enjoy peanuts, regardless of whether they are whole or in bits. Make certain that the peanuts are not salted and that they do not have any coatings on them. If you put peanuts in a feeder that is intended for larger birds, you can reduce the likelihood that smaller birds will consume all of the peanuts.

Cracked Corn

The use of cracked maize is still another fantastic alternative, particularly when combined with other types of seeds. Additionally, it is a healthy source of carbs and may be purchased at a reasonable price. If you distribute some cracked corn around your yard, you can entice cardinals to come to your yard. Cardinals will frequently forage for cracked corn on the ground.

Fruit and Berries

Cardinals can enjoy a delicious treat that consists of either fresh or dried fruits. Provide bite-sized bits of apple, raisins, or berries for you to eat. The consumption of these provides cardinals with a natural source of sugar as well as other nutrients, which in turn provides them with an energy boost during the chilly winter.


It is especially helpful to consume suet during the winter months because it is a high-energy food that is manufactured from animal fat. It is possible to purchase suet cakes that contain seeds, nuts, and fruits, all of which are elements that cardinals find extremely appealing. To suspend the suet, either place it in a mesh bag or a suet feeder, and then hang it from a tree or a feeder pole.



    Jasmine Gomez is the Wishes Editor at Birthday Stock, where she cover the best wishes, quotes across family, friends and more. When she's not writing for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Who we are and how we work. We currently have seven trained editors working in our office to produce top-notch content that you can rely on. All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy.

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