7 Great Reasons to Add Sprouted Grain Bread to Your Diet

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7 Great Reasons to Add Sprouted Grain Bread to Your Diet: Whole grains that have started to sprout, also called grow, are used to make sprouted grain bread. A seed is what you might think of as a grain. Whole grain seeds start to grow into plants when they get enough water and warmth.

Compared to bread made from grains that haven’t been sprouted or grain flours, bread that has been sprouted has more health benefits.

Sprouting actually changes the nutritional balance of the grains, making their nutrients easier to get and maybe even easier to digest.

7 Great Reasons to Add Sprouted Grain Bread to Your Diet

1. Made from whole grains, which improves its nutritional value

  • Most of the time, flour, which is ground grains, water, salt, and (generally) yeast are used to make bread.
  • Whole grain breads have whole grains in them, as the name suggests. On the other hand, white breads only have a small amount of grain. During processing, most of the good nutrients are taken away, like fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Since sprouted grain breads use the whole grain, they are basically the same as breads made with whole grain flours.
  • Breads made from processed flours don’t have the same amount of nutrients as these two types.
  • In nature, both are higher in fiber and nutrients. However, vitamins and minerals are often added to white flour to make up for what is lost during processing.
  • Sprouting grain breads also usually have a mix of different whole grains and beans. To give you an idea, Ezekiel 4:9® Sprouted Whole Grain Bread is made from spelt, barley, lentils, and sprouted wheat (3).
  • There are more nutrients in this kind of bread than in bread made from whole wheat alone.
  • Sprouting grains and beans together makes the protein in sprouted grain bread complete, which means it has all nine necessary amino acids. Plus, your body can use it better.

2. May help with weight loss and blood sugar control because it has fewer carbs

  • When grains sprout, some of their starch is broken down, which drops their carb amount.
  • In a previous study, sprouted grain bread had the fewest carbs, with only 34 grams (g) in a 4-ounce (oz), or 110-g, piece, compared to 44 g in 12-grain bread.
  • Compared to 11-grain, 12-grain, sourdough, or white bread, sprouted grain bread had the lowest glucose index because it had the fewest carbs and the most fiber. What is the glycemic index? It tells you how fast a food raises your blood sugar.
  • Because of this, sprouted grain bread is a great choice for people who have diabetes or high blood sugar.
  • Sprouting grains are also lower in calories than whole grain flours because the grains soak up water during the process.
  • If you want to lose weight, baking sprouted grain bread instead of other kinds of bread might help.

3. It has more important nutrients and fewer antinutrients.

  • Some nutrients are higher in sprouted grains bread than in other types of bread. These include protein, fiber, B vitamins, and vitamin C.
  • Sprouting makes more of these nutrients and gets rid of antinutrients, which are chemicals that stop nutrients from being absorbed.
  • Sprouting adds more nutrients – When grains sprout, they make more amino acids. According to these sources, sprouted grain bread has more protein than whole grain bread (5, 8, and 9).
  • Sprouting grain bread has about 15 grams of protein per piece, while 12-grain bread only has 11 grams.
  • Plus, sprouted grain bread has more nutrition than other breads.
  • Also, when plants grow, they make more of a number of important vitamins.
  • Beta-carotene and the antioxidants vitamins C and E are also higher when you sprout.
  • Antinutrients go down when you sprout. In addition to adding nutrients, sprouting takes away antinutrients.
  • Antinutrients are things that plants naturally have. Some bind nutrients and stop stomach enzymes from working, which makes it harder for the body to absorb nutrients.
  • Antinutrients aren’t as bad when eaten with whole foods, though, because they’re not eaten by themselves.
  • Most grains and beans are easier to stomach after being cooked, but not all antinutrients are gone.
  • An antinutrient that stays after cooking is called phytic acid. Specifically, it stops calcium, iron, and zinc from being absorbed.
  • Studies from the past have shown that sprouting grains and beans lowers their phytic acid level by a lot. This makes it easier for the body to absorb iron by up to 50%.
  • A study from the past found that sprouting wheat improved the intake of iron by more than 200%.
  • Some nutrients are higher in sprouted grains, such as protein, fiber, vitamin C, calcium, and beta-carotene. Sprouting also lowers the amount of antinutrients in grains, which makes the nutrients in them easier for your body to use.

4. It might be easier to stomach because it has more enzymes and fewer lectins.

  • The process of growing whole grains has been linked to better digestion.
  • When oats sprout, the starch in them is broken down, which makes them easier to stomach. These things are already partly digested when they are broken down.
  • Plus, they have more enzymes than grains that haven’t been sprouted. Enzymes help your body break down the food you eat. Phytase and amylase are two enzymes that rise during growth.
  • However, these enzymes might not work when the food is baked at a high temperature. To keep these enzymes from going bad, some raised breads are cooked at lower temperatures.
  • A chemical called lectin is another thing that changes how easily something can be digested. Lectins are a line of defense for plants.
  • Lectins, which are found in large amounts in grains, have been linked to leaky gut, chronic inflammation, and autoimmune disease.
  • When a seed grows, the plant breaks down lectins. So, sprouted grains may have less lectins than grains that have not been sprouted.
  • Because sprouted grains have more enzymes and fewer lectins than unsprouted grains, sprouted grain bread may be easier to handle.

5. Less gluten, which may make it easier to handle

  • Gluten is the sticky protein that gives bread its chewy feel. It is found in wheat, barley, rye, and spelt.
  • A lot of attention has been paid to it because people who can’t handle it might get sick from it.
  • Some people have inflammation, leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and other health problems that are linked to gluten.
  • Up to 47% less gluten can be found in wheat after sprouting, which may make sprouted oats easier for the body to handle.
  • However, sprouting does not get rid of all gluten. People with celiac disease or a real gluten allergy should stay away from sprouted grains that have gluten in them.
  • In this case, you might do better with sprouting gluten-free carbs like corn, quinoa, and rice.

6. Higher amounts of antioxidants may help guard against long-term illnesses

  • Sprouting wheat raises the levels of many antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, and others (13).
  • By fighting free radicals, which are dangerous molecules that cause oxidative stress, antioxidants help keep your cells from getting hurt.
  • Oxidative stress has been linked to diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, among other long-term illnesses (25).
  • Antioxidant-rich foods may help keep you from getting these diseases.
  • One study from 2014 found that growing amaranth for 78 hours raised antioxidant activity by 300–470%, flavonoids levels by 213%, and phenols levels by 829%.
  • A similar study on wheat also found that sprouting raised the amounts of antioxidants and phenols (27).
  • A simple way to eat more vitamins is to switch from regular bread to sprouted grain bread.
  • Overall, sprouted grains have more vitamins, which help protect against long-term illnesses. One simple way to get more of these powerful chemicals is to eat sprouted grain bread.

7. It’s simple to feed yourself

  • These days, it’s pretty easy to find sprouted grain bread. You can find it at farmer’s markets, health food shops, and even normal grocery stores in your area.
  • The fridge or freezer area of the food store is where you can find most sprouted grain breads. Brands like Ezekiel 4:9 and seeded breads from Dave’s Killer Bread and Alvarado Street Bakery are very popular.
  • It’s not as light and airy as white bread made from flour, so if you want a fluffy white bread, start with sprouted grain bread instead.
  • But it works great for making toast. After being heated, you might not even notice the change in how it feels.
  • You can use this method to make your own mixed grain bread.



    Jasmine Gomez is the Wishes Editor at Birthday Stock, where she cover the best wishes, quotes across family, friends and more. When she's not writing for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Who we are and how we work. We currently have seven trained editors working in our office to produce top-notch content that you can rely on. All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy.

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